Thursday, August 09, 2007

It's at these times when you want to turn back, and every fear inside of you says that you should be turning back...

Miss Nikki Ann turns around; seeing nothing but darkness, she decides to move forward. She walks along the way, tripping on things she can't see, feeling for walls to be used as guides. Slowly there appears a light, but as the walk turns into a journey, she realizes that it'll be awhile before she reaches the light. She panics, fear spreading throughout her body. Sensing that the journey's too long, she turns around and heads back in the other direction. But there is no light. And without any light she has no way to gauge whether or not she's headed somewhere or nowhere. So she turns back around, seeing no light, but determined that if she puts on foot in front of the other, she'll soon come to a place of light. She moves forward, this time standing on her own, no support from the side walls. And the light appears. It's still far, but reaching, it's essence pulling her closer and closer. She continues to move to the unknown. And the walk is long, but along the way it becomes more lighted and she begins to see specks of light like she's never seen before, fragrances she's never smelt before. The path grows more lighted and she stops to look around. Suddenly she can make out faces. Faces of people she knows and people she's never seen before. And she sees you. You've been there all along, journeying with her. You all look forward, knowing that there is still a ways to go, but now knowing that the entire journey itself is the destination and the light you'll arrive at will only be another marker on an endless path to forever.

Thank you for journeying with. And though it's dark out here, we continue to walk toward greater. And you're being here with me makes this sometimes dark journey well worth the travel. You are my destination. I am my destination. Let's go...

Miss Nikki Choosing All Possibilities Ann