Saturday, August 17, 2024



Find BattleTabs... 

And join me!


My BattleTabs ID:

I pray everyone well.

I Love You, 

Be good. 
Be patient. 
Be in the Moment.
 ~MissNikkiAnn (Summer 2024)

*Photo taken in New England, Summer 2024

Saturday, June 17, 2023

Friday, July 16, 2021

By XtremeRealityCheck: The INVENTOR of mRNA Vaccine Technology SPEAKS

Saturday, April 28, 2018


I am very busy with curating my Steemit account.  I post there a few times each day.  Out of all my techno gigs, it has suited me better than any other.  I'm trying to cross-advertise all of my posts, and Steemit is the first site where I have more money to gain--and this time, money is what I am after.  

I have been creating online content since 1997, but I have not seen much action on the rewards side.  As I look back, I have contributed so much, expected so little.  Now that Sir is turning 13 next month, I am able to dedicate more time to a new online venture, with Steemit being chosen one.

I'll be mapping out a plan today, and am trying to pull this blog (the one you're reading now) into the scheme.  We'll see what happens.

And for those visiting this blog from out the USA:  "Welcome to my house."

Most of you non-USA viewers come to my page by way of researching a topic that I've covered; which means that my research has been of some benefit to another; which is what matters most to me; which is probably the reason why I have not gained that much financially--doing a lot of work researching and not charging anyone for my efforts.  

I'm a researcher from way back.  Most of my research came by going to the library, using the card catalog, and checking-out books with my library card.  I have an English degree and spent my college and masters' studies in libraries, devouring books.  And it's only because of my health that Sir and I no longer go to the library every week.  Physical libraries have books that you can't find online, there are far better gems at your neighborhood library.

That's it for now.


*Click this link to find me on Steemit.

Saturday, April 07, 2018

The Lay of the Land

So I've been here.

Here being on the internet.

I do what I do everyday: research, write, and create content.

My last post on this blog was February 2016.

I guarantee that I've been viewing this blog regularly.

I haven't posted because I wanted go without a new post until one year post-Clinton's defeat.

I felt that the Presidential run would speak for me.

That posting anything too soon would mean just regurgitating the bullshit that was going on.

In the end, this approach worked in my favor, and I found myself venturing into other internet novelties.

And these novelties come and go quickly.

This one site that I loved, was gone within a year.

Personally, I think it was my best work to date (I gave lectures via vlogging).

But novelties go, and I'm left without a single copy of that work.

I'm not into backing-up the work I give to the internet.

I let it be.

 Like this blog...

No back-up.

No plan B.

Anything less would leave me in ongoing anxiety over wondering if I'll lose all my hard work...WITHOUT A BACK-UP!


And here I am.

It also appears that I am not on this blog alone, people keep coming to the information I planted here in 2005 (I think that was the beginning of this blog; if I am wrong, I'm not off by much).

My latest site is:

So let's keep at it.

Friday, July 31, 2015

Thursday, July 02, 2015

Spotlight On: DJ Akademiks -"Tyga's album only went...COPPER!"

I am a subscriber to D.J. Akademik's YouTube channel.  Everyday I look forward to his commentary.  But he made a more than quotable quote.  And unfortunately it was aimed at Tyga and the many untruths that some artists hide behind in order to defend their lack of cloud sales (albums without a physical product).  His straight forward mathematics on these cloud sales led him to a real cloud fact:

"Tyga's album only went COPPER."


Friday, June 26, 2015

Spotlight On:

I've been testing out the waters of  I find its research and editing niche very involving, evolving and long term; which I believe should be the way of research writing.  An added plus for me and my light sensitivity is the black background, giving me the chance to enjoy using the site without my body going nuts. The following is a piece I am contributing to.

― GS9 (Ft. Bobby Shmurda & Rowdy Rebel) – Computers

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Friday, June 06, 2014

An Ongoing Project: MissNikkiAnn Salutes Women 100.0

MissNikkiAnn Salutes Women 100.0

"We are one with Mother Earth. We are beauty. We are the nurturer. We are. We shall forever remain. No matter how man destroys the mother, she will survive and will one day regain the respect she lost."

Of Course

Of course there's more to this than we can fathom.  Of course the never-ending days and nights white out our daydreams.  Of course knowing this provokes some suppressed feelings to momentarily court us as it vainly and naturally expressed itself in our twenties.  Of course we leave it all behind.  Of course we didn't want it to prematurely abandon us as life went on with what it had to do.  Of course we blamed everything for its departure.  Of course if it were still here we'd find ourselves barreling out of control.

But of course.

February 2014

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Saturday, January 18, 2014


Lately I have had so much that I've wanted to say; but with very little time or energy left to do so.  This is not a complaint, only a realization of the matter.  I no longer try to find a groove, for the groove is forced upon me by my ill body and destiny.  In the past the more I grasped at the groove, the greater the distance became.  At this point it's not even a gap, but more like the space of our galaxy. 

Now I am trying to accept what is being and will be.  I flow through courses that Mother Nature has enrolled me in; they are always exactly what I've needed, despite how uncomfortable they make me feel.  Also, I don't trust the events that bring me joy; life is too fickle to allow for a joyous constant.  Pain and joy are friends, and each allows the other to have some spotlight. 

Me, I remain as the Self, watching it all unfold, taking note of how life automatically does what it is going to do.  No...I am not happy; if anything, I am overbooked with busying myself with tending to my body's need and  tending to those I care for.  And that does suffice.


Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Oh, No! Not Another DYS: Dystonia

We believe that this illness is taking control of my knees:

Saturday, August 31, 2013

I Find You Guilty of Peeing, Pooping and Sleeping

i think it absolutely absurd how much i think i can do in one day

the demands are high

the actual accomplishments, typical

and on a typical day, i won't even put into action 1% of my brainstorms/brain farts

i will probably only attend to my basic needs: eat, drink, pee, poop, sleep

there will be moments in the day where i will believe that





and sleeping

are not big enough accomplishments for my theoretical superhuman abilities

but my accomplishing those not big enough things makes me a winner at being human

at odd times, i am a recipient of life's and mother nature's serendipitous--seemingly magical and miraculous--moments, most of which won't even register with my tiny brain cells because i will be appropriately and understandably occupied with

and sleeping.

but that one serendipitous moment (or, finally, one brainstorm) that is made manifest will make me feel as if i, indeed, had been living as a superhuman all along

and that glimpse of magic will almost instantly, and surely innately, be pushed aside by my dire need to take a poop, a pee and a nap--waking later to feel hungry and thirsty

and then eventually (and again), hungering and thirsting for my once momentarily vivid superhuman abilities

"Be good.  Be patient.  Be around-the-clock tending to your body's needs."

Charcoal Donut, Anyone?

Why...thank you.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Wadjda: The Movie Trailer

Saudi Arabia Addresses Egypt and the World

The Saudi statement:

"We have followed with deep sorrow the events taking place in our second homeland, the brotherly Arab Republic of Egypt; events which only please enemies of Egypt's stability and security and its people, but at the same time pain all those who love Egypt and care for its stability and unity which are, today, targets for all evil wishers.

This attempt to unsettle Egypt’s unity and stability - carried out by the ignorant, the inadvertent, or the mindful of the enemies’ design - will, God willing, be fruitless.

The people of Egypt, Arab and Muslim nations, the honorable Ulema, intellectuals, writers, and all sensible people [are] to stand united with one heart in facing attempts to destabilize a country which historically has always been at the forefront of Arab and Muslim nations; honorable people should not maintain silence on and be heedless of what is going on.

The people and government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia stood and still stand today with our brothers in Egypt against terrorism, extremism and sedition, and against whoever is trying to interfere in Egypt's internal affairs and in its determination, power and legitimate right to deter every spoiler or whoever misleads the people of Egypt.

Let it be known to those who interfered in Egypt’s internal affairs that they themselves are fanning the fire of sedition and are promoting the terrorism which they call for fighting.

I hope they will come to their senses before it is too late; for the Egypt of Islam, Arabism, and honorable history will not be altered by what some may say or what positions others may take.

Egypt will be able, with the grace and might of God, to pass into the land of safety; and then those will realize the wrong they committed when it is too late to show regret."

Thursday, July 18, 2013

We Don't Know We Should Be Bored

At times we just do not know what we are doing.  We're working with a tainted and cloudy picture of what we believe any given situation to be.  I always hope that I sleep soundly.  Sound sleep is the one place where none of it matters.  Sleep can be rejuvenating.  Lack of sleep can make life difficult and burdensome.

And the clock.  The clock keeps ticking.  And the time and date are everywhere.  No matter the time of year, I always view the calendar days, weeks and months as "flying by."

But it is bedtime now--way past my bedtime.  I have done all that I will do for now.  After some sleep, maybe I can convince myself (and encourage those who are low in spirit) that life is going to work itself out. That no matter how weighted I feel with the days events, I will probably live to see another average human day--eventful or not.

And I hope for boredom.  Some simple boring summer days where I can finally say that old saying:
No...not fuck you! 
Though that phrase can be cathartic,
I am speaking of that childhood moment when kids adamantly insist...
"Ma!  I am soooooo bored.  There's nothing to do."
And if you're a girl...
"Boys get to do EVERYTHING!"
(And it was true. And my mother did not argue with that part.)

"May your summer bring rejuvenatingly boring moments." 

*MissNikkiAnn throws pixie dust into the air, hoping it will touch and unburden many, even herself.