Sunday, July 31, 2011

My Words: July 31, 2011

Outside.  Goosebumps.  She says, "Whether people know it or not, fall is in the air."  She's right--even the birds sing its praises this morning.  The worms will be coming closer and closer to the earth's surface.  Fall is coming.  Harvest is coming  to humanity, closer and closer to the earth's surface.

Crisp air blessing my lungs.

Fresh dew wetting my legs as I walk through the grass.

And that Canadian breeze whipping through New England.


Parents With Dysautonomia

A dear friend of mine recently left me the following post on MDJunction. She is such a continual source of encouragement for me and other dysautonomic parents.  I share it with you so that you may also be encourage, whether you have dysautonomia or not--we are all living a human experience with innate issues.

"Thanks so much for taking the time to reply even though you are feeling so ill. I am so sorry hear things are really rough all the way around. It must be extremely difficult trying to make all these important decisions with feeling so ill. We have as well had to make financial decisions as I cannot times this week I just wanted to crawl into a dark hole because I felt my mind just could not focus on another thing.I have to constantly remind myself he has never let me down and know matter how bad things look to not focus on what is seen but on what is unseen. 2 Corinthians 4 16-18 has been a comfort to me lately. Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. This has been a good reminder for me 

I will be praying strong for you Nikki (I hope you don't mind if I call you Nikki, I have been meaning to ask you this.)

Sending hugs and prayers your way, Jan xo"

The original post may be found at the following link:
Parents With Dysautonomia (page 2).

"Be good.
Be patient.
Be in the moment."


Optical Light Sensitivity - Irlen Syndrome

I totally relate to this guy's issues. It's what I endure everyday but have a hard time relaying it to others; so I thought I'd share, being that he does a great job of explaining.

Friday, July 29, 2011

New Time, New Adventure

I'm on a new adventure. And when using the word "adventure," there is always the sense of the unknown lingering about. I try not to feel one way or the other, just centered in each moment that I am given, knowing that my moments won't last forever. And with things being the way the are with my body, I am forced to move at a snail's pace, the difference is that I've made peace with it and am learning not to be consumed by what others may (or may not) be thinking about the way I must live my life. Overall, I doubt it's an existence that would satisfy the average First-Worlders' need for extravagance and privies, but in the chronic illness and disability world, my life ain't so bad.

"Be good.
Be patient.
Be in the moment."

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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Caravan Adventures & HIIIIII by @MaricsBulletin

I love this personal adventure story told by my POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) friend Maricia (@MarcisBulletin on Twitter). Reminded me of my 20s!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Judgement Day by @darksempyrean

This is my YouTube ( and Twitter (!/darksempyrean) friend Al. He's so talented, great vocals and theatrics.

WARNING: This scared the shyt out of me but was worth the watch!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


The same way Blogger has revamped it's face, I am attempting to do the same with my "faces" around the web.  Things in the world are ever-changing, and since I am currently of this world, I am changing with it.  Gotta take a better look and stock of what I have going on on the interwebs.  It shouldn't take much longer, as I've been at it for a while anyway.  There are so many tools and vehicles; and you can find that, once you've tested lots of them, your efforts begin to be a little scattered, causing confusion for your audience.

I doubt I'll close any of my pages, I just won't be directing my newer viewers to them.  If a viewer is interested in all the work I've done on the internet since 2005 (I've been on longer than that but feel my meatier work started in 2005), they can google "MissNikkiAnn" and read/see my evolution.

I hope all are well.  And if not, I pray that you find peace in the midst of the storms of life.

"Be good.
Be patient.
Be in the moment."
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.4

Sunday, July 10, 2011

It Is I...

It's been a struggle today. Hell, it's always a struggle. I stayed in my pajamas all day. Tweeted with some tweeps. Google+'d with some old Twitter and Seesmic folk. Listened to NPR. Yelled at Sir. Yelled at Sir some more. Toasted marshmallows in the backyard, while still wearing those pajamas. Did 6 puzzles with Sir. Played Operation and Bed Bugs with Sir. Watched some YouTube videos. Made a YouTube video. Started my Pinterest board. Curated my Pearltrees. Took my Dailymughshot shot. Had my regular coffee. Had my decaf coffee. Listened to my one voicemail. And I think I am about to yell at Sir again. This means I've basically come full circle. Wait...I just got an email. Let's see... *reading email* nice...someone on Twitter retweeted one of my tweets and my email felt that I needed to know. Yes, email has feelings.

Now yelling at Sir...

"Be good.
Be patient.
Be in the moment."

Wednesday, July 06, 2011


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Sunday, July 03, 2011

WOW! Motorcyclist Dies On Ride Protesting Helmet Law In New York

I just had to post this!

Motorcyclist Dies On Ride Protesting Helmet Law In New York
"ONONDAGA, N.Y. -- Police say a motorcyclist participating in a protest ride against helmet laws in upstate New York died after he flipped over the bike's handlebars and hit his head on the pavement.
The accident happened Saturday afternoon in the town of Onondaga, in central New York near Syracuse.
State troopers tell The Post-Standard of Syracuse that 55-year-old Philip A. Contos of Parish, N.Y., was driving a 1983 Harley Davidson with a group of bikers who were protesting helmet laws by not wearing helmets.
Troopers say Contos hit his brakes and the motorcycle fishtailed. The bike spun out of control, and Contos toppled over the handlebars. He was pronounced dead at a hospital.
Troopers say Contos would have likely survived if he had been wearing a helmet.
Array of"

Friday, July 01, 2011


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@NadiaBodkin Is Looking for Sponsors As She Vies for Miss NJ USA

My friend Nadia is running for Miss New Jersey USA. She has Ehler's Danlos Syndrome and wants to use the pageant as a platform for spreading awareness of this illness that also falls within the Dysautonomia family. This means that in return for helping her, you'd be helping me and other autonomic nervous system failure patients.