Memorial Day, Dysautonomia Style

"Don't LOOK at me in that tone of voice!"

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Chronically Hopeful: [Hospital Visits]

A very funny reenactment and typical Dysautonomia/POTS emergency room experience.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

3 people in same family with neuro immune disease

I have quite a few YouTube friends who have this disease. And though I do not have ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) myself, ME and Dysautonomia present with lots of the same symptoms and syndromes.

But that's not what's most important about this video. What shocked me the most was knowing that ME hit an entire family. This woman is caring for her THREE children who are suffering, living under the same roof. I love the part where the son talks about not having seen his sibling in FIVE MONTHS, even though their bedrooms are next to each other. They're symptoms are so bad that they never leave their bedrooms, let alone the house!

I am proud of this mother's strength!

Dysautonomia: God, Prayer and Meditation

Be good.
Be patient.
Be in the moment.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Documentary Interview with 2 girls with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) b...

Along with my Dysautonomia/POTS, I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I relate to this documentary.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


This is so sweet and earnest.

Dr. Anne McIntyre Interviews the boy Wessely had sectioned.

~"Do I have to die to prove how ill I feel?" (Quote taken from video)
That question is still resonating with me. My gosh!!!