Monday, December 18, 2006

A Healthful Reminder

It only takes five minutes out of your day to schedule a doctor appointment.
You probably spend more than that gossiping with coworkers.

Please take care of yourselves.

Don't put it off another day...

And put that extra Christmas cookie down! After January 1st, you'll be glad you did!


Nikki laid back with her legs up in the stirrups, informing her doctor that she is neither sexually active or in a relationship.

Doc said (with much seriousness and sincerity):

"Oh no! You have to do something about that."

Nikki laughed--and then had the audacity to reply (with much seriousness and sincerity, like she'd just had an awakening):

"I know!"

Doc then informed his patient:

"Well...if your situation changes, give the office a call..."

Nikki drifted into her thoughts and wondered if it would ever change...


Matter of fact--hours later--she's still wondering!


Come To Find Out...

I had a gynecological appointment today. It was very refreshing--I love my doctor--and it was good to know that I'm in great shape. But... I watched as my poor doctor--a really young and handsome dude, my God!--struggled with the new computer technology that's inside the examination room. He's a very thorough doctor who asks many questions, so he spent tons of time trying to transcribe every single detail into his computer. For those who don't know, I love keeping up with my health, so I see doctors very frequently. I've probably had 20 doctor visits this year, and this was the first time I saw this type of technology inside the examination room. Come to find out... Times are still changing... Hopefully this change will mean better preventive care.

~Miss Nikki Ann

Thursday, December 14, 2006

My Truth

I'm trying to follow




Today those things led me to two individuals who, once I opened up, gave me exactly what I needed.

I must be willing to move the way each moment directs me to.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Spotlight: James Redfield

I've read a third book of his: The Secret of Shambhala. It only took me a few days and I could hardly put it down. I love his writing and his open ideas. His words echo through my mind as I try to stay conscious of my higher self and the higher self of those around me. Here's to the Dakini!

Just A Hello!

It's that time of year, again. And things around here are very busy and will be that way until after January 1st. I hope all is well with everyone. At this moment, I am doing some eBaying, trying to find a specific item for Sir. Wish me luck!

Thursday, December 07, 2006

My Artist Space

I have received so many kind words and thoughts from you guys. I am humbled by your belief in me. Today I was rambling on and on to my mom about the next step in this "becoming a published novelist" process. It's something I've never done before, and I'm looking for as much support as I can get.

It's my feeling that the SECOND step in this process is to believe in myself. The FIRST step is to be willing to go forward with it. I believe that being willing is first, and most important, because there may be many days when I don't believe in myself. But on those days, I'll still be willing to go forward in order to see what the end will be.

As I wrote this novel, there were days I had little faith in my talents (something similiar to the "faith of a mustard seed") but I did have strength, and the will, to move forward.

Willingness first...

And then...

Belief in my talents.

Strange, but true for this situation.

Once again, I am grateful for your kind words.


Miss Nikki Ann

Spotlight: Anika Noni Rose

Today I received many email about a person a attended high school with. This young lady is in the new Dreamgirls production. She is co-starring along with other female singers Beyonce and Idol winner, Jennifer Hudson. This woman is Anika Noni Rose (we knew her as Anika Rose). Here's a little anecdote...

There year was 1989. Me, my girl Maia (who's now in the Broadway production of The Color Purple) and some more of our friends had plans on performing an EnVogue song for our high school talent show. **Hey, LuCiana, were you supposed to perform with us?** We were freshman at the time and Miss Anika, who was a senior, had decided to do the same song. What we couldn't understand was why she'd want to perform this song solo when it was made for a group performance. In the end, her seniority won out. I can still remember how disgusted I was over it. And if I'm not mistaken, I think, in the end, she decided on doing some other song; but it was too late for us to switch back.

Hey...Miss Anika was always driven. I guess that's the reason why she is now a Tony Award winner from some Broadway play she was in. I can't hate on the woman for having drive, even if that drive caused her to run over me and my pals.

Miss Anika, my hat's off to you. Live your dream, girl. **Nikki Ann ponders a moment** Anika probably wouldn't know me if she passed me on the street. LOL! Goes to show you how silly old grudges can be. I mean, that stuff happened 17 years ago! LOL!

I'm out!

Miss Nikki Ann

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Artist Space

As of 7 a.m. this morning, I have officially finished editing my novel! Wooo! And I had to stop for a minute and savor the moment. This process has gone on for years and I didn't want to underappreciate it. When I first wrote this book, I was a childless woman. I didn't have a job and I spent an entire month just typing away, bitching about the life as a writer. Boy, if I only knew then what I know now. But life is much richer and fuller for me today. And because of everything that has transpired over the years, I believe the rewrite of my book is better than its original version, the book has grown as much as I have.

And so, right now, I pause..............Sir is upstairs running around, mom is yelling at him, Thembi's computer is humming, the heater is humming, a school bus is passing by outside...I'm in the moment. For in this moment, I realize all that my life has become and all that I still have to look forward to. And not just the things that we think are easy and good, I'm also looking forward to the more complicated and frustrated things about life.

But, for now, I have evolved into who and what I am in this moment. And right now, I am enough. And right now, I am proud of myself. A completed novel. Thank you God...

~Miss Nikki Ann

Monday, December 04, 2006

Sunday, December 03, 2006

My Artist Space

Only 36 more pages to edit...

And then...

I start a new novel...


Finish one of the others I started long ago...

We'll see.

But still...

Only 36 more pages to edit.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

A New Feature

I have added a link to the left of the page to Miss Nikki Ann's House: A Guide; it's a guide that gives brief descriptions on the various types of posts I do here. Nothing major or earth shattering, but, do run and tell the Pope, President and anyone else you know.

Up For Grabs

It has been confirmed that Actress Lindsay Lohan, 20, is attending Alcoholics Anonymous. I don't know if y'all know, or even care, she's been spotted getting her party on with panty-less new mother of two, Britney Spears.

Pamela Anderson and Kid Rock are divorced. Pam stated, "I'm very concerned with the press on mine and Bob's divorce. I know I have people who want to defend me or people who want to defend Bob, but my children can read -- and I'd like to resolve this amicably -- not fueling fires -- and with dignity." Um, Pammy Spammy, if you know your children can read, stop doing things that wind up in the press.

Eddie Murphy will be filming Beverly Hills Cop 4. Um, come on, Eddie! It's been reported that he did a fabulous job in Dreamgirls, why can't he leave it at that? While the first two "Beverly Hills Cop" films, released in 1984 and 1987, made more than $600 million worldwide, the third entry in 1994, made slightly more than $40 million domestically.

My Artist Space

Fifty-two more pages to edit. I can't believe I've made it this far. I've been editing my buttocks off, usually from 8 PM to about midnight. And then I wakeup and edit at 6 AM. And during the day, I spend time mentally editing (I've been working on this novel for so long that I practically know it by heart). Actually, as I'm typing this, I'm doing some mental editing, which I probably spend at least two hours doing each day. All of it together amounts to a good 7 hours a day of some form of editing. Right now, if I say the word editing one more time, I might hurt myself.

Welcome To December 2006...

Just a reminder, this is the first and last time, generally speaking, you will ever live through December 2006. Let's make this year's December memorable and enjoyable, regardless of what illusionary hardships we may be facing. Here's a great big, sickening HOORAY-HOORAH for...

DECEMBER 2006: The Best December Ever.