Sunday, February 05, 2006

Super Bowl Sunday!

Let's go, team!!!

**um, Nikki knows nothing about the football. And all I know about this year's game is that the Steelers are in it (I think!)**

Shout out to my cousin Wallace. He's a big Steelers fan.

My brother is in the kitchen putting together his last minute stuff for the game. Right now he's smoking his beef brisket and he'll be fryin' up the turkey soon. Mom did all of her cooking yesterday. And Thembi made my grandmother's infamous pound cake. From what I can see, it looks like Thembi did a great job (this was her first time making it without Grandma's help).

Me, I spent the last hour cleaning out a drawer. I got my inspiration from I'd been thinking about cleaning that thing for weeks now. I decided to go with Flylady's advice and do a quick cleaning of the drawer.

My goal was to throw out 15 times that I no longer needed or used. The next thing I knew, I'd thrown out over 100 things, and it only took me about 15 minutes. 15 minutes! All of that procrastination because I thought the task would take longer, and in the end--15 minutes! Tsk, tsk, tsk.

I feel so much better since letting go of that stuff. After hearing the Reverend's speech, "Clearance Sale: Everything Must Go!," I promised myself that I'd get rid of some things. Well, I've accomplished that task, and I plan to keep on going. Join me in the effort, if you'd like, and get rid of unwanted clutter--like those shoes you haven't worn in 8 years, but you love them so much. Chuck 'em. Or give them to a friend who can make use of them.

The law of material flow goes something like this: Let go in order to receive.

If your closet or home is stuffed to the maximum, you won't have room for your new material goods.

Clearance Sale: Everything Must Go

And as you're cleaning, you'll find that your mind becomes uncluttered.

And remember, this is about baby steps. You goal is not to clean an entire room. If you were to clean out one thing for ONLY 5 minutes each day, you'd soon find that 5 minutes does add up and make a difference. We have to start somewhere. Baby steps.

And this goes for clean/neat people, too. I'm very neat and organized, so, for me, it's about going into my neat folders and drawers and getting rid of the old so that the new can come in. I had some paperwork from 1996! And I'm not saying get rid of important documents. But, lots of things that we THINK are important, just aren't. So be picky about what you keep.

I'm gonna shut up now. The baby is down for his nap and I'd rather spend this time laughing in the kitchen with dad, Preston, and Thembi. My dad and Thembi are on the phone harassing my Uncle Wayne.

People, my family's life revolves around the kitchen and all of its aromatic smells. The kitchen is connected to a sunken den, so it's a great place to watch TV and chat while watching whomever is making magic in the kitchen. I love it. And I love y'all!

Now, I'm off to drink this Bloody Mary that Preston's made for me--the doggone thing is giving me heartburn, though.
